
Thanks, Rob! I appreciate you.

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Transparent toothpaste? Makes sense to opt for any alternative, so long as it's opaque. Translucency: ever a dangerous quality in a zoobie paste? Yes, I think so, ever since sensing myself taking a unheralded hit in the zoobies from a character wearing toofles one afternoon back in the day when I was earnestly reading A Clockwork Orange in hope of finding answers. There's been a time-lag but, reading this story from the wilder side suggests, after so much water had flown under the middle arches of the bridge of life, now I realise that it wasn't a character but a Zombie who impacted my dentition so violently. Wow!

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The zombie affect I have comically ascribed to the toothpaste’s ingredients. Mentioning translucency is only a device to imply that the couple each has their own preferred brand of toothpaste, which explains why Penny is not also a zombie. I hope the explanation hasn’t killed the humor. :D

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Jun 12Liked by Camila Hamel

Not in the least Camila: your humour is inured from negative zombie impacts I'm sure.

I find taking an off-the-cuff swing at typing out whatever crosses my mind is quite a therapeutic form of what many label freewriting.

Being put in mind of Anthony Burgess's dystopian novel 'A Clockwork Orange' (and also recalling the film that was adpated from it) was an unforeseen trip back down memory lane.

Also was in mind was 'Pride & Prejudice & Zombies'. I've started it several times but only ever got as far as I have because of hop, stepping and skim reading ahead. More about my limited interest in Zombie Fiction than the premise and writing quality of the pastiche.

I do enjoy reading your posts.

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